Thursday, March 13, 2008

That's all I want

So there I was sitting at my desk on a rare break from the "genealogy consultant" class I've been teaching and observing for the past 4 days, when I heard something that reminded my of what my life is missing. Chickens. It was as if someone had run into the coop and scattered the brood of feathery old biddies and they were squawking their protests on the north portico of Memorial Continental Hall. Perhaps it was a group of DC tourists, or protesters on their way to the White House, or the 20 class participants/DAR members returning from their lunch break, but to me it was chickens. A bunch of puffed up proud hens strutting across the yard and pecking at grasshoppers. It was then that I remembered some of the things I've always wanted in life but have forgotten while living in this metropolis of Washington DC. Chickens. I've always wanted chickens and a front porch and a white picket fence. After my visit to Savannah last year and recently having read Gone With The Wind, I think I would now most prefer a southern plantation along with the chickens, porch and white fence. That's not too much to ask for is it?


Mycket said...

Don't forget those houses we saw on the south side of Savannah. We could totally afford one of those if we all go in together.

Mikelle said...

Chickens to the rescue! We have read that book several times in the last few days and everyone needs a few chickens to come to the rescue!

Becky said...

I want all of that too except for the chickens. I would come and visit your chickens though. I also want a tire swing in a great big weeping willow tree. Where will I ever find this in Vegas?
I hope that someday you get your chickens!

Noah said...
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Noah said...

As long as we can cook em up... That's what Pops would like after all.

Hayley's Comment said...

Not too much to ask at all. Go with it! See you in T minus two weeks!