Friday, May 23, 2008

Just Like Heaven...or 1989

I keep a mental list of people I want to see perform before I, or they, die. In recent years I've been able to marked several names off the list. Like U2, Dolly Parton, and Ricky Martin (OK he wasn't on the list but he sure put on a great show). Topping the list is Neil Diamond. I nearly lost it when a few weeks ago I heard he was coming to DC. I sat in my car open mouthed staring at the radio in disbelief until someone honked and I had to pull myself back into reality. I will be having my moment with Mr. Diamond come August 5th. Another list topper has been The Cure. I was able to scratch that name off my list a few weeks ago. Anyone, no no, any white person who was a kid or teen in the 80's and 90's is familiar with the dark eyeliner, red lipstick and spiked black hair of lead singer Robert Smith. I am happy to report that he is still sporting all 3 key elements of his signature style. However he has not aged well and gained some weight making his costumed appearance even more effective/frightening. The show was awesome. I went with 2 of my good friends and had a great time. One of the best parts was standing in the hall people watching. I love people! They're nuts. The band sounded great and performed all of my favorite songs: Just Like Heaven, Friday I'm In Love, Pictures of You etc. Should you get the chance I highly recommend going. Don't forget the black eyeliner!


Ruth said...


That's all

Becky said...

He did look much less intimidating when he was younger! Glad you enjoyed the concert and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the video of days gone by! I posted it so that my friends here could get in on the fun! You guys were/are great!

Becky said...

hey, when's Shawna gonna start blogging?